Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Is fear preventing your from achieving forex success? By now I know everyone has heard of the acronym for F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). Sometimes to get over the hump and put fear in our rear view mirror only requires an attitude check! Adjusting our attitude can build our confidence and basically get our heads out of the way and journey on to forex success!

Author’s Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield (both from the famous Chicken Soup series of bestsellers) has another overlooked book on the market called The Power of Focus. In the nook they discuss strategies to combat fear and build confidence. Some of these strategies include;

* Remind yourself that you did some things well in your trading everyday.
* Read inspiring biographies and autobiographies. These can fall outside of the trading world.
* Be thankful. You are taking massive action to take control of your financial future!
* Build a support network around you. Use the mastermind principal to build a support team of traders and non-traders.Chunk it down! Take your long term goals and plans and chunk them down into smaller bits like mastering trading channels in your demo account.
* Celebrate your success! If you can’t do this than repeat the first step (and do not collect $200!!!).

You can find this book and my entire mandatory reading list of my forex educational site, FX Trade Central.

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